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VIDEO 1 - INTRODUCTION (8 minutes)

This is a 5 part video Discipleship Class. It is intended for anyone interested in being baptized as an adult, affirming their faith and joining St. Paul's (like a new members class), for anyone just curious about St. Paul's and would like to know more about our congregation and what it is that we believe as Lutheran Christians, or for long time members who would like to have a 'refresher course" from what they learned in confirmation (in a more adult way) and want to grow nd mature in their faith.

In conjunction with these videos is a St. Paul's Handbook that you can request in the Church Office. If you are interested in being baptized, joining the church through Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation), or transferring your membership from another congregation, please contact Pastor Callister.

VIDEO 2 -LIFE AT ST. PAUL'S (20 minutes)

In this video in the Discipleship Class series Pastor Callister talks with Merianne Morris about the life in our congregation at St. Paul's. In the St. Paul's Handbook it is material that is found on pages 3 to 7. You will learn about the Congregations structure - The Church Council and Staff, our affiliations with our synod and denomination, our worship services and events throughout the year, and information about Sunday School, Confirmation , Weddings, funerals, and when to call the pastor.


In this video in the Discipleship Class series Pastor Callister talks  about what we believe as Lutheran Christians. In the St. Paul's Handbook it is material that is found on pages 8 to 12. You will learn what it states in our Constitution what it is that we believe and talk about some theological themes that is at the heart of what we believe as Lutheran Christians - Justified by Grace, The Way of the Cross, Saint and Sinner, and Priesthood of All Believers.


In this video in the Discipleship Class series Pastor Callister talks with Karen Crabtree about seven faith practices that help us grow into a deeper and mature faith. In the St. Paul's Handbook it is material that is found on pages 13 to 17. You will learn about the faith practices of PRAY, STUDY, WORSHIP, INVITE, SERVE, GIVE, and ENCOURAGE. On page 17 there is also a FAITH PRACTICES ASSESMENT for you to take and consider in what areas you can grow  into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and a more mature spiritual life.

VIDEO 5 -THE BIBLE (40 minutes)

In this video in the Discipleship Class series Pastor Callister talks about the Bible. There is no material in the St. Paul's Handbook for this video. You will learn about the structure of the Bible in both Old and New Testaments, and the overarching story of the people of Israel and their relationship to God through Abraham, Moses, King David and the prophets, all leading to the story of Jesus in the New Testament. Along the way Pastor Callister will give tips on how to read the Bible to get the most out of your reading it.


In this video in the Discipleship Class series Pastor Callister talks  about Martin Luther's Small Catechism. In the St. Paul's Handbook it is material that is found on pages 18 to 27. You will learn about the Catechism and its origins, its contents of its 5 Chief Parts - THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, THE CREED, THE LORD'S PRAYER, THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM, and the SACRAMENT OF THE ALTAR (Holy Communion).  Pastor Callister will talk about its importance to our Lutheran heritage and encourage you to use this Catechism as a part of your personal devotional life.

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